You Do?
To Make All of Your Dreams Come True?
Has there ever been anything you've wanted, that was worth selling your soul for? Have you ever been so desperate for a change in your life, that you made a deal with a devil? Sure, most people think that it's just an expression. No one would actually do it. No one would even know how, right? They are wrong. The devils walk among us, striking deals when people are their weakest and most vulnerable. A contract must be formed, and the debt must eventually be paid. So what happens when your time is up?

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Updates 03
We are finally open! The site is still in its Beta stages, as we just opened, so there might be a few bugs. If you find some bugs or errors, or think that more information should be added somewhere, please infor the admin!

Population 04
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Created by Haydn Sauer, Last posted in by K'laude Belial
K'laude Belial Avatar
2 Replies
Created by Admin;Akira, Last posted in by Admin;Akira
Admin;Akira Avatar
1 Replies

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Chatbox Rules
Respect Everyone. No discrimination of any kind or overly rude behavior is allowed.
Try to keep the spam to a minimum please. Aki is a horrible spammer. Try not to be like Aki.
Don't use it as an IC box. The IC Box is located in the side thingy. Hover to the left.
Please don't swear every other word. Aki is bad at this too. Probably best not to be like Aki...
Trolling is only allowed if the person being trolled is totally oblivious to it.
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The Duality of Man AURMATA A Life Too Short
Dysphoria was created by Admin;Akira. All characters and ideas are credited to their proper owners. This skin was thrown together (not completely created) by Admin;Akira, excluding anything else that was not made or coded for this site specifically. Many of the codes and aesthetics, including templates, thread lists, and board mods, are attributed to the lovely people of ADOXOGRAPHYv2, Gangnam Style, Wicked Wonderland, and Slightly Insane. Templates/Posting Tables, including character sheets, are credited to their rightful owners. Images were found on Zerochan or any other picture resource sites, and are credited to their rightful artists. Images may have been photoshopped, by whomever is using them. Lyrics on templates belong to their rightful owners. Lyrics found on site templates are credited to Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin

As admin, I claim zero credit to pretty much anything outside of the work and time spent editing the skin to make it unique, whatever images I have personally cropped, or templates I have personally made. I claim zero responsibility for the templates my members may post, as they are credited to whomever made them, altered or not.

Nothing is to be plagiarized for your own usage. Please message a staff member if you have not be credited.